Compared to other age groups, teenage drivers generally get less affordable premiums because, according to statistics, teenagers get into accidents more. It doesn't matter if you are a student paying for your own insurance plan or a parent paying for your child's car insurance, the high premium is bothersome. If you research properly, you may find some companies that don't follow this trend. To know about these companies, check the complete insurance agent listings in your state or country. Through these companies, there are ways to make the premiums of teenage drivers more affordable. Here is a guide on how you can avail of those discounts:
Get higher academic ratings In some states, students that have consistently high grades get lower premiums. Some insurance companies think that academic performance expressed in grades is a good indicator of how a teenage driver behaves on the road. This claim is supported by statistical data.
Keep the driving record clean The premium changes every year because of many factors that the insurance companies consider. Among these factors is the driver's road violations. If the teenage driver keeps himself or herself out of situations where he or she might get a ticket, his or her premium will gradually lower as the years go by.
Let teenage drivers drive cheap cars Giving your child a sports car in his or her birth day may make his or her teenage life, but this will also mean higher premiums for you. This increases the risk of getting into an accident which translates to higher premiums. If you want to lower your teenage driver's insurance premium you better get him or her a cheaper car.
Enroll in courses about responsible driving In many states, car insurance companies give discounts to students who agree to take courses on road safety. This agreement is a win-win situation for all because in the end of the day, the product is one less reckless driver on the road. These courses usually emphasize the impact of making fatal mistakes on the road to one's life. Some of the important subjects taken up in thes
Keep the driving record clean The premium changes every year because of many factors that the insurance companies consider. Among these factors is the driver's road violations. If the teenage driver keeps himself or herself out of situations where he or she might get a ticket, his or her premium will gradually lower as the years go by.
Let teenage drivers drive cheap cars Giving your child a sports car in his or her birth day may make his or her teenage life, but this will also mean higher premiums for you. This increases the risk of getting into an accident which translates to higher premiums. If you want to lower your teenage driver's insurance premium you better get him or her a cheaper car.
Enroll in courses about responsible driving In many states, car insurance companies give discounts to students who agree to take courses on road safety. This agreement is a win-win situation for all because in the end of the day, the product is one less reckless driver on the road. These courses usually emphasize the impact of making fatal mistakes on the road to one's life. Some of the important subjects taken up in thes
Let teenage drivers drive cheap cars Giving your child a sports car in his or her birth day may make his or her teenage life, but this will also mean higher premiums for you. This increases the risk of getting into an accident which translates to higher premiums. If you want to lower your teenage driver's insurance premium you better get him or her a cheaper car.
Enroll in courses about responsible driving In many states, car insurance companies give discounts to students who agree to take courses on road safety. This agreement is a win-win situation for all because in the end of the day, the product is one less reckless driver on the road. These courses usually emphasize the impact of making fatal mistakes on the road to one's life. Some of the important subjects taken up in these classes are dealing with emergencies on the road, avoiding accidents by following traffic rules and the effects of DUI.
About the Author:
Enroll in courses about responsible driving In many states, car insurance companies give discounts to students who agree to take courses on road safety. This agreement is a win-win situation for all because in the end of the day, the product is one less reckless driver on the road. These courses usually emphasize the impact of making fatal mistakes on the road to one's life. Some of the important subjects taken up in these classes are dealing with emergencies on the road, avoiding accidents by following traffic rules and the effects of DUI.
About the Author:
This article is discusses how to lower the premium of car insurance for teenage drivers. To know more about insurance agents, click here: